Sacred music dates back to Old Testament when trumpet, lyre, and harp were used with rhythm and chant. Later the organ and other instruments became more prominent. It is with great joy that we offer the gift of music with all who worship.
Deo Gloria Cantores
The Deo Gloria Cantores choir leads us in worship most weeks. They sing choral music, and lead the assembly in singing hymns, psalms, and liturgy that reinforce the Scriptures read and proclaimed.

The Deo Gloria ringers use bells to present psalms and sometimes assist with the choral anthem.
When in session, the Schola Cabatorum (choir school), periodically sings at worship. This ministry prepares children and youth for a more profound understanding of what it is to worship God through music.

Our church organ was designed and built by the Noack Organ Co. of Georgetown, Massachusetts in 1976. It was the first Noack tracker organ in the Pacific Northwest. The eighteen stop organ takes its inspiration from the great seventeenth and eighteenth organs of Germany and France. In addition, we have a four stop chamber organ in the chapel installed by Mr. Noack.