
Food bank collection

The West Seattle Food Bank box and all collections are in room C. Suggested donations for February are canned goods. Compass Housing Alliance is in need of socks for men and women for the winter months. Any non-perishable foods, personal products, or grocery store gift cards are welcome. Your much needed donations are taken to the West Seattle food Bank, Compass Housing Alliance, Mary’s Place, and Westside Neighbors.

Additionally, Thriftway receipts can be dropped off to support the food bank. West Seattle Thrift are giving back 1% of sales from receipts turned in to benefit our local foodbank. Simply drop off the receipts in an envelope at the Extended Ministry bulletin board outside of Room C.

Cup of Blessings Dinner 2024

The fundraiser dinner benefitting the West Seattle Food Bank on November 9th was a great success, raising approximately $10,000 for the West Seattle Foodbank!

This congregation is committed to supporting and participating in ministries locally, within the Synod, and throughout the world.

  • Helping immigrant families with our sister congregation, El Camino de Emaus, in Burlington, Washington.
  • Offering support to help relieve world hunger through Lutheran World Federation.
  • Supporting church wide ministries of the ELCA that fight oppression, poverty and more.
  • Involvement and support of the West Seattle Food Bank, 3419 SW Morgan Street. This food bank reaches about 700 hungry persons a day.

In addition we support: