We welcome all people to come join us for worship, whether you are already a believer or are just curious. Communion is open to all baptized Christians.
We worship in the historical patterns of Christians handed down through the centuries. Our prayer is liturgical. We hear the Scriptures read as they are appointed in the Lectionary, a series of scripture readings chosen in accordance with the cycles and seasons of the church year. Beyond Lutherans, the lectionary is shared by many Christians.
Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday. Since ancient times, Christians have gathered on the day of Resurrection around God’s spoken word and the Lord’s Supper. In and through these gifts the living Christ encounters us.
The hymns we sing reinforce the Scriptures read and proclaimed. Our worship is enhanced by a commitment to the ethos of each season of the church year, by music carefully chosen and prepared, vestments, icons, and rituals that support our praise of the triune God.
Worship Times
Holy Eucharist on Sundays at 10:30am.
Our location is 4105 California Ave SW.